20th Febuary 2003 - Finished the 'about me' page. There's still no photographs of me on there, though. Sorry, ladies. Incidentally, I am now ready to stick the whole site into the space that 'TAR Animation Studios' are providing for me, so that should be happening tomorrow. view update archive

14/2/03 - 'Don't Hang Yourself!' - how to make a living drawing gag cartoons
14/2/03 - Ghetto Communication Guide - ever since Newport officially became a city, I've had to learn how to speak 'urban'. Check dis.
14/2/03 - The Matt Groening 9/11 Tribute Auction - my eBay Adventure
14/2/03 - 'Dream Phone, Gabuman and Boong Ga Boong Ga' - a bunch of random stuff

14/2/03 - The Official James Harvey Dating Guide - or how to trick girls into going to bed with you

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all articles copyright © James Harvey 2003