Small Press.... Big Monsters! Andy and Leonie are from Newcastle and helped me to publish and distribute my crappy magazine. They are lovely. Visit this site if you're interested in the UK underground comics scene- Andy is the dinosaur, Leonie is the squid.
These people provide hosting space for me and help me out with putting my stuff online. I say 'these people' but it's really just one guy who's on my course, Tom Arnold Rudderham. He just put the words 'Animation Studios' after his initials so he could convince people to buy shares in his so-called 'company'. Anyway, he does a cartoon called 'Team Evil' which I think you can download from here. I wrote a sketch for it, but it was cut due to 'time constraints', so you can email him and tell him to put it back in.


David Wong's Pointless Waste Of Time

This website is very good.

The best website dedicated to Chris Morris, although that isn't really saying much. The reason this site is good is because you can download a lot of his material here, most of which isn't available anywhere else.

This is my favorite. In fact it's the best website on the whole internet. No wait, fuck that. It is the internet. I recommend this highly.

Learn about the village I live in. Did you know Caerleon was once the Roman Fort of Isca? Now you do!

My friends Scott and Hel run this site. Worth looking at to see how good some of Hel's drawing is. Even though she comes from the North of England, she can draw just like a Japanese person! Wow!