20th Febuary 2003 - Finished the 'about me' page. There's still no photographs of me on there, though. Sorry, ladies. Incidentally, I am now ready to stick the whole site into the space that 'TAR Animation Studios' are providing for me, so that should be happening tomorrow.


19th Febuary 2003 - Completed the links page. I'm back from the march in one piece, by the way. I think the tank drivers must have known I was coming and got scared, because they failed to show. Pussies. To read about the peace march from other sources, go here or here, or here: here. My own photos from the event are still being developed, so if there's any cool ones I'll put them online, along with an account of my adventure.

A lot's been happening lately. I mean, besides all the war stuff, obviously. Firstly, it's been annouced that Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario, will be appearing in the London Virgin Megastore on Friday- great, except I have to go and get my brace fixed that day, and secondly Bis, the coolest band in the world, have annouced that they are splitting up. There's a farewell gig in Exeter on 27th April, except if we go we won't be able to get back and I have nowhere to stay in Exeter. Any readers living in Exeter want to put me and my friends up for the night? We don't smell.

And thirdly, I got an email from France today. This is what it said:

From: "melanie_Humetz" To: mastarofdisastar@yahoo.co.uk Subject: ballon_retrouve Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 15:40:48 +0100


hello I found your balloon on the beach of Touquet (France) on Febuary 3, 2003.

In a friendly way

M Humetz

bonjour J'ai retrouve votre ballon sur las plage do Touquet (France) le 3 fevrier 2003.


M Humetz

Incredi-bley! I'd let a helium balloon go on my birthday, with a tag on it saying 'If you find this balloon, send a message to mastarofdisastar@yahoo.co.uk to claim your prize.' I hadn't expected it to get any further than the Sandon Road. Excited, I wrote Melanie a response, and then ran it through the translator so that she could read it. I then ran it back into english to make sure it wasn't too garbled. So, when she opens her inbox, this is what she's going to read, but in French:

'Thank you Melanie! I write this by a so sorry translator if it resounds the delayed completley. They is really fresh which you found the balloon. I let it go on my anniversary, January 24 of Stafford which is directly in the center of England, to just see where it would finish upwards. I do not have really a price to give you because I cannot allow myself to send the substance overseas. But mercies of the email! I appreciate really the point of view that your country takes against the war! Nobody wants to go here to make the war against Iraq one or the other, except the stupid people and the government. Did you walk for peace? Hope you! Bye!

James Harvey'

14th Febuary 2003 - The site is nearly finished, after a week of sitting in my room and only venturing outside to eat or to use the scanners. Added the main and updates page today. Everything seems to be working ok. Tomorrow is the big march on the capital, so if all goes well I should be going down to London to take some pictures and shout. My mum, who has television, phoned me to say that the government is amassing tanks in London. I think that's because they know that I'm coming. If I do get shot by a tank, you'll definitely hear about it here first.

13th Febuary 2003 - As I only built the updates page tomorrow, I'm writing this retrospectively. Anyway, today I built what was meant to be the front page, except as soon as I finished it I realised 'this isn't going to work.' I guess this makes a change from what usually happens, which is that I'll make something and only acknowledge that it sucks about three months after everyone's told me. Anyway, the shitty, unused front page is here: here

6th Febuary 2003 - Decided to build a website.


24th January 1983 - born.